District of South Cambridgeshire

Registered Charity in England: 1177486

A 'not-for-profit' organisation

Cambourne 2nd Science Festival 2017- Deep Dive into Creativity

Science Festival 2017

More than sixty Cambourne and Cambridgeshire children aged 4yrs to 14 Yrs. presented their home-made science projects at Cambourne’s 2nd Science Festival on Saturday, 24th June. Cambourne Science Festival was a unique event as the children got to plan and make their experiments to demonstrate. It has given them good confidence for future science experiments.

People around Cambourne looked at the projects, asked questions and interacted with the young scientists. Every participant received a participation certificate and a prize to acknowledge their ingenuity and encourage them to continue their passion for science.

A child’s advancement depends on parents, teachers, state policies and also the recognition of the child’s abilities. All our hard work will make more leaders so that the world will be in better hands!! Cambourne Science Festival, a demonstration by the little children, is a new concept in this country. I am sure more kids and parents will participate in the coming years. Sujit and Shrobona are the STEM Ambassadors and promote Science in the country. Sujit goes to schools as a Space Scientist to give presentations regularly. We are trying very hard, and we will keep trying.

Sujit has also launched his Cambourne Electronics club on Science Festival Day, and children aged 6-18 are most welcome to join.

Local MP, Mrs. Heidi Alan, attended the Science Festival with her husband and took a special interest in interacting with the participants. Mrs Heidi presented the certificates to the participants while councillors Mrs Ruth and Mrs Ghazala helped give the prizes.

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