District of South Cambridgeshire
Registered Charity in England: 1177486
A 'not-for-profit' organisation
Mrs Anastassia and Aleksei Barulin, originally from Estonia, took the lead in organizing the Pancake Festival. They brought the cultural richness of Maslenitsa, also known as the Pancake Festival, to the Hub Community Centre on Saturday, March 9th 2019, from 7 pm to 9 pm.
Uncover the deep cultural roots of the Holi festival on Saturday 23rd March 2019, its symbolism of good over evil, and its role as a rejuvenating experience for the human mind.
Cambourne embraced the vibrant colours and traditions of the Chinese New Year on Sunday, February 10th, 2019, at the Blue School. According to the Chinese zodiac, the community came together to mark the Year of the Pig, symbolizing good fortune and wealth.
Diwali, the festival of lights, holds a special place in the hearts of communities worldwide. In 2018, the residents of Cambourne experienced a Diwali Festival that illuminated the town and fostered a sense of togetherness and inclusivity.
Cambourne Hub Community Centre became the epicentre of joy as it hosted the Mela Festival Celebrated on Sunday, April 15th.
On the chilly Saturday of March 3, 2018, Cambourne transformed into a winter wonderland as Shrobona Bhattacharya, the driving force behind the registered charity CamCare UK, orchestrated the Festival of Colours.